اخبار ایران و جهان

Israel-Gaza: the global impact of the escalating conflict

Israel-Gaza: the global impact of the escalating conflict

Iraqis burn Israeli flags during a rally held in central Baghdad in support of the Palestinians on Saturday

A rundown on how some nations across the world are reacting to the new war.

Authorities on Saturday and Sunday stepped up security measures around Jewish sites in France, Germany and the United Kingdom, due to the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Meanwhile, demonstrations in support of the Palestinians took place in several countries in the Middle East.


Security was strengthened on Saturday around places of worship and Jewish educational establishments in France, particularly in Paris and its suburbs.

The move came despite an announcement from Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin, who insisted there was currently “no threat”.

The security of Israeli sites of interest and places of worship had already been reinforced in mid-September with the start of the Jewish new year marked by the celebrations of several holidays in September and October.


Germany has strengthened security around buildings of the Jewish community and the Israeli representation after Hamas attacks against Israel, German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser told the daily Bild newspaper on Saturday.

The German authorities are also keeping an eye on “potential Hamas supporters in the Islamist sphere very closely”, the minister stressed.

Berlin police also cited photos on X – formerly Twitter – which allegedly “show people celebrating the attacks on Israel by distributing sweet pastries on Sonnenallee”, an avenue in the Neukölln district known for its diversity and its large Muslim population.

United Kingdom

London police increased patrols in parts of the British capital on Sunday after “incidents” linked to the war between Israel and Hamas, and the Interior Minister called for “zero tolerance” against the “glorification of terrorism”.

“Police have increased patrols in parts of London to ensure a visible presence and reassure our communities,” the Metropolitan Police announced.

Secretary of State for Immigration Robert Jenrick shared a video on the social network X showing people waving Palestinian flags in the street and sounding car horns.

Demonstrations in support of Palestinians in the Middle East

In Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen, demonstrations in support of the Palestinians took place on Saturday and Sunday.


In Iran, a country whose president said he supports “the legitimate defence of the Palestinian nation” and holds Israel “responsible”, several hundred people demonstrated on Sunday in several major cities in Iran, including its capital Tehran, waving the Palestinian flag.

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